notebooks of Amelia Itcush

notebooks of Amelia Itcush

When I was in Toronto, I was at a restaurant and I was always interested in people who much older than me but had good bodies. I saw this elderly gentleman and his legs were in unusually good shape, so I started talking to him and found out he was 82 years old and from Saskatchewan, a farmer.

When I found out his age I said “I hope you don't mind me saying so but your legs are in really terrific shape.” he said “I walk backwards, its great for balance.”

On his birthday every year he would walk up and down the CN tower stairs backwards. He used to put weights on his head, but once he turned 80, he removed the weights."

Jennifer Mascall: “She also used to mention someone on the prairies whose Dad had taught him to drive, and told him that the way to learn to drive was to only drive backwards for two years. So he did. I guess that’s something you could only do in the prairies. It’d be hard in Vancouver.”